Diversity Affirmative Mission Statement

Providing diversity-affirmative services is a critical part of my personal beliefs and professional identity as a psychologist. As a result, my professional training has been specifically designed to acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience to competently affirm diversity and work for social justice. Based on my commitment to provide diversity-affirmative services, I am dedicated to:

(1) honoring the uniqueness of every person

(2) understanding each person in their cultural context based on their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, social class, age, ability, religious/spiritual practices, health status, family of origin, region, size/body type, and political beliefs.

(3) addressing systemic forces including power, privilege, prejudice, discrimination, and oppression that hinder optimal development  

(4) incorporating the client’s cultural values, beliefs, perspectives, and attitudes into counseling

(5) continuing to engage in personal and professional development on issues of diversity


Culturally Affirmative Training and Experience 

I draw from multiple experiences and roles in providing multiculturally competent counseling. Some of these roles include:

Multicultural Educator, Indiana University

Diversity Coordinator, University of West Florida

Safe Space Trainer, University of Georgia

International Student Counselor, Georgia Institute of Technology

Workshop Presenter (Privilege, Class, and Multicultural Assessment), University of Florida

HIV Counselor, Bloomington Hospital

GLBT Counselor, GLBT Student Support Services Office at Indiana University

Published Research, Career Development of Black Males, Georgia State University

Transgender Group Discussion Leader, University of Georgia

Classroom Presenter (Race, Cross-Cultural Dating, Culturally Informed Counseling) University of West Florida

Men’s Issues Group Leader, University of Florida

Published Research, Ethnic Identity, Indiana University

Conference Presenter, Valuing Diversity and Cross Cultural Social Support, Auburn University


Diversity affirmative counseling services can be a complicated process involving multiple clinical dimensions that need to be incorporated into counseling. Multiculturally competent counseling often involves (but is not limited to) a unique combination of the categories listed below:

Diversity Issues Skill Building/ Development Counseling Issues Counseling Relationship
Combating Racism Code Switching Anxiety Learning Cultural Background
Combating Sexism Coming Out Depression Identifying Cultural Values
Combating Homophobia Acculturation/Assimilation Relationship Issues Understanding Problems within a Cultural Context
Combating Classism Managing the Majority Culture Family/Career Concerns Providing Cultural Empathy
Combating Transphobia English as a Second Language Managing Hurt/Anger Creating Culturally-Informed
Directions towards Change
Combating Heterosexism

Identity Development and Integration

Paths towards Success Ensuring counseling "progress" is integrated w/cultural values